Skin Forum 2025
Annual Meeting
Kursnummer: 7017
- Drug Regulatory Affairs
- Hot Topics
- Research and Development
Kursprogramm / Flyer
- 7017_Skin_Forum_2025.pdf (4 MB)
Termin und Veranstaltungsort
24.06.2025, 09:17 Uhr
25.06.2025, 17:17 Uhr
Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen
Holiday Inn Berlin Airport
Hans Grade Allee 5
12529 Berlin
Tel.: +49 230 634010
Abstract submission
Abstract can be submitted for poster presentations and/or for an oral short talk. Please indicate your preference by email. Abstracts not choosen for an oral short talk will be automaticlly evaluated for a poster presentation.
Deadline for abstract submission: 31 March 2025
The abstract should be prepared using Microsoft Word (.docx) as one A4 page typed in Times New Roman, font size 12. Click here for the template
Please submit your abstracts by e-mail to poetzl@apv- You will be notified of acceptance of your paper for oral or poster presentation by 28 April 2025.
Poster presentation on site:
The poster presentations should have the following size: height 120 cm, width 85-90 cm (DinA0 portrait). The posters must not exceed this size. There is no design template, you are free to design and structure your poster as you would like to. But we kindly ask you to a add a small picture of the presenting author at one corner of your poster.
We suggest to print the posters on paper with a weigh of about 125 to 170 g/m² or made of light (woven) fabric. We will let you know which fixing materials will be needed until 14 days before the conference takes place.
We have prepared attractive sponsorship packages for you to spotlight your company and your products. We offer several options such as:
- advertisements in the booklet
- lanyards
- block and pens
- coffee breaks etc.
If you want to learn more about sponsoring opportunities, get in touch with Anna-Maria Pötzl, We are also more than happy to discuss any other sponsoring options with you.
Sponsoring application form:
We are offering table top exhibition spaces to you. One taple top includes:
- 1 table
- 2 chairs
- electricity
For only 990 Euro plus one mandatory full conference registration you will get the ability to display your company, products and services to a very focused and international target market.
Please get in touch with Anna-Maria Pötzl, She will provide you with the current floor plan and any other helpful information about exhibiting at Skin Forum 2025.
Table top exhibition application form:
Many thanks for your contribution!
Kurfürstenstraße 59
55118 Mainz
Dr. Martin Bornhöft
Tel.: +49 6131 9769-0
Alle Preise mehrwertsteuerfrei gemäß § 4,22 UStG