16th EuPFI Conference 2024
Formulating better medicines for children
Kursnummer: 7000
- Drug Regulatory Affairs
- Hot Topics
- Research and Development
Kursprogramm / Flyer
- 7000_EuPFI_flyer.pdf (1 MB)
Termin und Veranstaltungsort
17.09.2024, 14:30 Uhr
19.09.2024, 16:00 Uhr
Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen
Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Wings-Rotterdam
Rotterdam Airportplein 55
3045 AP Rotterdam
Tel.: +31107999090
Important Dates:
10 July 2024: Notification about abstract acceptance for oral presentations
17 July 2024: Abstract submission deadline for POSTERS only. Please note there will be no extension on the deadline, and abstracts submitted after 17 July for poster presentation will not be considered unless it is a latebreaking abstract with appropriate justification for late submission.
20 July 2024: Early Bird Registration
31 July 2024: Notification about abstract acceptance for poster presentations
Abstract submission from here: https://eupfi.co.uk/EuPFI2024/openconf/openconf.php
Exhibition and sponsoring
We are glad to tailor a sponsorship package (starting from 1000 EUR) according to your wishes.
Application form Sponsoring
As an exhibitor you will be also invited to attend the sessions and the networking dinner in the evening. Price for a tabletop space with table, chairs and power supply is 990 EUR plus one mandatory full conference registration.
Don‘t see an option that corresponds to your requirements?
Kindly contact
Valentina Marinkova
E-mail: marinkova@apv-mainz.de
Kurfürstenstraße 59
55118 Mainz
Dr. Martin Bornhöft
Tel.: +49 6131 9769-0
E-Mail: info@apv-mainz.de
Alle Preise mehrwertsteuerfrei gemäß § 4,22 UStG