Local Groups

Dear APV members,

After the successful establishment of several local groups, we would like to extend the concept of local APV groups to additional regions. Please contact us if you are interested in participating in a local group in your region or if you would be willing to serve as a contact person, supported by the APV office, for a new local group. We look forward to your feedback!

Best regards from Mainz
Your APV office

Lokale APV-GruppeRhein-Main
02. April 2024 09:20

For further information about the next dates, please contact

Cathrin Pauly

Lokale APV-GruppeRhein-MainEvent
30. July 2024 18:30

Venue: Valicare GmbH, Eschborner Landstr. 130, 60489 Frankfurt am Main und Frankfurter Äpfelwein Botschaft, Eschborner Landstr. 154, 60489 Frankurt am…

Lokale APV-GruppeRhein-Neckar
02. April 2024 10:52

For further information about the next dates, please contact

Dr. Viktoria Riedel
Michael Binnefeld

Lokale APV-GruppeRhein-NeckarEvent
10. September 2024 18:30

Venue: Hans im Glück Mannheim

Lokale APV-GruppeBerlin
13. February 2024 17:20

For further information about the next dates, please contact

Dr. Andreas Sachse

Lokale APV-GruppeBerlinEvent
10. September 2024 19:00

at the company Fa. Chemisch-pharmazeutisches Labor, Rolf Sachse GmbH, Stieffring 14, 13627 Berlin, Germany.

Lokale APV-GruppeUlm/Biberach/Ravensburg/Bodensee
04. April 2024 09:34

For further information about the next dates, please contact

Dr. Martin Müller

Lokale APV-GruppeHamburg/Schleswig-Holstein
04. April 2024 09:40

For further information about the next dates, please contact

Dr. Hannah Lou Keizer

Lokale APV-GruppeWestfalen
04. April 2024 09:40

For further information about the next dates, please contact

Dr. Johanna Anlahr (geb. Mosig).

Lokale APV-GruppeNordrhein (ehemals Köln - Bonn - Aachen)
04. April 2024 09:40

For further information about the next dates, please contact

Marcel Kokott
Dr. Tim Lillotte

Lokale APV-GruppeMecklenburg-Vorpommern
04. April 2024 09:40

For further information about the next dates, please contact

Dr. Frank Karkossa

Lokale APV-GruppeOberbayern
04. April 2024 09:40

We meet once a quarter at 19:0h. At 19:30 h there is either a lecture or a discussion about current topics in the development, production, analysis,…

Lokale APV-GruppeOberbayernEvent
12. July 2024 19:00

 It's beer garden time and so we're meeting in Munich's Hirschgarten hirschgarten.de If the weather is bad, we'll move to the pub. 

Our keynote speech…